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NYSC 2025 Batch A Online Registration And Camp Date - Click Here To Know

Difference Between NYSC Revalidation And Remobilization.

Most of you reading this post must have come across the term Revalidation and Remobilization in one way or the other and some of you have found yourself confused because of the assumed similarity between these two (2) NYSC terms although they differ greatly in meaning.

Portal for Remobilization into 2025 Batch A is currently opened and will close on 28th February 2025. You can apply for remobilization through the direct NYSC WEBSITE LINK.

This post typically explains the difference between NYSC Revalidation and NYSC Remobilization with further explanations on which group of prospective corp members are required to opt for any of them respectively as the case may be.

What is NYSC Remobilization? The NYSC remobilization process is done so as to renew one's National youth service. It is a process a PCM undergo to renew his or her National Youth Service Corp programme and carry on from where they stopped. 

Which set of PCMs undergo Remobilization? The group of Prospective Corp Members who undergo remobilization are those that registered succesfully during the NYSC online registration and they also reported to the NYSC camp and underwent the camp documentation/registration but they could not continue with service as a result of certain circumstances. 

This group of PCMs are to apply for remobilization in a subsequent batch in order to carry on with their NYSC programme. 

How is Remobilization done? Just as stated previously in the post with regards to revalidation, the remobilization process is also done during or before fresh registration. A link for remobilization will be activated for those PCMs who fall in the category just explained. 

If you fall in the category of PCM who are to apply for NYSC remobilization then CLICK HERE. Mind you that the link is usually not active if Remobilization is not ongoing but currently remobilization is ongoing. 

What is NYSC Revalidation? The NYSC revalidation process is an action undertaken by a PCM to renew his or her already registered details on the NYSC portal. This process makes it look like a PCM is just freshly registering online for service where-as he or she already registered before. 

Which set of PCM undergo Revalidation? The category of PCM required to undergo the revalidation process are those ones who registered successfully during any NYSC online registration in a previous batch but refused to obey the Clarion's call.

That is to say after getting call up letter, they did not report to the orientation camp for any form of camp registration or documentation due to one reason or another. 

The reason for not reporting can range from being intentional or being moved by NYSC from one stream to another or from one batch to another. Take for example if after your online registration and you don't get call up letter then you are carried over by NYSC from Batch A to Batch B, you are to revalidate when portal opens for online registration. 

Same thing goes with if you intentionally skip camp and the entire service after getting call up letter after your online registration, you are to revalidate in the subsequent batch that is to come.

Note that if you are carried over from one stream of a particular batch to the next stream of that same batch lets say NYSC shifts you from Batch A Stream 1 to Batch A Stream 2 then the revalidation is automatic, that is to say NYSC will revalidate you automatically themself. 

As for the manual Revalidation which involves a PCM to do with their own hand, that one is done in an entirely different Batch. For instance as explained before when you are moved or you intentionally skip camp from Batch A to Batch B or Batch B to Batch C.

How is Revalidation done? Usually, Revalidation is done when NYSC opens portal for fresh registration. During the fresh registration for newly mobilized PCMs, the link for revalidation is activated for those already mobilized PCMs who didn't report to camp in a previous batch. Note that revalidation can only be done by batch and not by stream. 

Revalidation is a very easy process, all you will be required to do is provide your previous login details including your NIN and that is all so it can be done easily with phone.

Elaborating more on this for those still confuse, if you missed reporting to camp in the Stream 1 of a particular batch, you can't revalidate the next stream (Manual Revalidation), rather automatic revalidation will be done for you by NYSC into stream 2 or you wait for the next batch before you can revalidate by yourself (manually). 

if you got call up letter in stream 1 and missed camp then you are not to do anything as NYSC will automatically revalidate you to stream 2 which is known as Automatic revalidation and you will be issued a new call up letter. 

But if you got call up letter in Stream 1 and missed camp then you decide to serve the next batch after stream 2, that is to say you decided to also miss stream 2 camp then you are to revalidate by yourself (manual revalidation) the next batch.

Note that Revalidation and Remobilization are a much easier process than fresh registration, just few parameters are required to be filled online. 

Feel free to drop your comment if this article was helpful. If you have any question kindly drop it on the comment section.

When Is NYSC 2025 Batch A Stream 1 Online Registration & Camp Date? Click Here To Know  

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Click Here To See The List Of Schools That Have Successfully Released Their Internal Senate List 

Read also: All You Need To Know About NYSC Senate List


  1. Thanks very much 4 d cLear explanation cos I jus missed camp on dis 19th Jan coz of an issue...thumbz up👍.good work.

    1. You are welcome but i hope you are aware of the present warning by the NYSC management for Batch B stream 2 not to miss camp as there is likely not to be Revalidation next batch

    2. Thanks alot for the information, what if I didn't register during the online registration for 2020 batch. Will I still be able to register or rather revalidate when the portal is open for the 2021 batch. Or please suggests how can I go about the registration. Thanks

    3. Yes you are free to revalidate next batch but be aware of the warning placed by DG to 2020 batch B stream 2 PCMs who did not report to camp. The warning clearly States that any Batch B stream 2 PCM who have been issued call up letter and did not report to camp might not be able tk revalidate the next batch until the subsequent batch

    4. Please sir I registered this batch c stream 1 2023 but I won't be able to go due to some issues but I have been issued my call up letter can I revalidate with stream 2 and will a new call up letter bw given to me again

    5. Secondly sit please when is the best time for me to work my location now or when I have been revalidated and gotten a new call up letter

    6. Thank you sir for the clear understanding want to ask a question
      Sir I applied for relocation but it hasn’t been approved on till now the 21days relocation approval is exceeded already is it still possible for me to remobilize cause I heard I will have to face NYSC penalty if I don’t complete my service or report to my PPA hope to get a response soon sir thank you

    7. Please Sir, I registered for Batch B Stream 2, 2024 and I got my call up letter, but I've decided not to go due to a some corrections I need to do in school, please if I revalidate for Batch C Stream 1, will a call up letter be given to me?

  2. I was mobilize 2020 bt I didn't do any nysc registration can I register when the portal is open for registration

    1. You can go ahead and register of you still see your name on the NYSC Senate List when uploading starts

    2. Thanks for the enlightenment,I understand clearly what revalidation means,since am ready to go with stream 2 I don't need to do a manual revalidation as my details will be automatically revalidated. Thanks

  3. I didn't report to camp during batch March 10 and I was posted again automatically with batch B Jan 19th I was not checking dashboard.. I saw it lately. .. now remobilization has started can I remobilize cause am now married I registered single

    1. If you read the post well you will realise that remobilization is for those that reported to camp and documented but couldn't finish service

    2. Please can I revalidate twice I missed the first and the second one can I still revalidate??

  4. Thanks for the update. Does that mean that institutions can now upload the list of their PCMs?

    1. Yes uploading of senate list is ongoin at the moment for 2021 batch A

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sir i was in batch C stream 1 but i couldn't go to camp due to some certain reasons, what should i do to go in stream 11

  6. We are expected to graduate in the year 2019 that I was in 28 years, but due to the asuu strike it will take me to 2020,till now our senate will not upload our names for mobilization. I am now in 30years. Can I serve Please?

    1. Yes you can. If you are above 30 then you will be exempted

  7. Do you think they will let us to revalidate. Their recent update says we should login and revalidate on March 3rd. What do you think?

  8. I was deployed to Adamawa for batch A stream 1 but unable to report camp due to an unforseen circumstances pls will I be automatically deploy to the next stream??

  9. Pls any latest information about those with covid 19 massage on their dashboard

    1. Dear unknown, revalidation or remobilization isnt for you since you haven't gotten call up letter before. Just be patient and you will be notified by NYSC on when to print your call up letter

  10. Please what about those that have not register, can we register when the portal open or it's only for revalidation.

  11. Please, what about those that haven't registered but only create nysc account. Are we going to register when the portal open or it's for revalidation only. Please explain

  12. Pls I apply for the change of date of birth sin batch stream 1,I received a mail from d nysc mail of approved dt d date of birth as change a she go to my dashboard to compare a new mobilization, but sir I go to my dashboard but still show me d examption, pls what I can do now?

  13. Thank you for breaking it down to my understanding. Please I have an with my names. I was sent out of the camp on the 19th of January 2021 due to the inconsistency in my name. I've applied for correction of my name through my institution to the NYCS and it has been approved on my dashboard but the name have not been corrected. Is there any other thing I need to do? Thanks.

  14. Wat of those they have been even been to camp yet they registered and they were ask to wait cuz of covid-19 issue

  15. Please my mates have gone for NYSC 2021, can I register like two years after.

    1. Yes and it depends. If you got call up letter ad didn't report to camp then you revalidate. If you got call up letter and went to camp but didnt continue service after camp you remobilize

    2. Pls am a PCM for Batch B..I am suppose to report to camp today...but I have issue with my statement of result....and might not meet up with camp... Pls can I revalidate and go with stream 2?

    3. Dear Unknown, Revalidation is done by Batch and not by stream. You should automatically be placed in stream 2 by NYSC or revalidate the next batch

  16. What about me that av register with Batch B stream 1 but did not complete the registration,what am I going to do? Am I going to remobilize or revalidate

    1. Dear unknown you will neither revalidate nor remobilize. What you will do is to click on login to continue your registration when the NYSC portal opens.

  17. I was mobilize in batch A bt during course of the data capture; my mode of study was captured as part-time instead of full-time nd my school have send a request letter for correction of study to NYSC since 28th April and the letter has been received 2nd July 2021 but my dashboard still showing me print exclusion letter..

    1. Dear Cyril, kindly contact your School's SAO and lay this complain to whoever is in charge

  18. Please I was mobilized in batch B but I registered in stream 2 but I noticed there is name difference from the senate list and my certificate, so for that I was not able to print out my call up letter or report to camp, so can I do this revalidation or I should wait till I corrected the name correction or am I going to wait till next batch will be mobilizing. Please I need an answer.

    1. If there is disparity between your name on the NYSC senate list and the one on your statement of result or certificate you will not be allowed to proceed for documentation in camp. To avoid such awkward situation, kindly apply for correction of name after your successful online registration before you go to camp. Note that correction of name only applies to name rearrangement or correction of spelling. In other words if the correction involves addition of name or removal of name, such PCM is to contact their SAO to follow up on that.

  19. I went to camp with the previous batch, but i was unable to register in camp due to name disparity issue. Dey just wrote my name in one exercise book.

    Please am i going to revalidate or remobilize???

    1. You didnt register in camp so you are as good as not even stepping fit into the camp, you will revalidate in any subsequent NYSC batch

  20. good day I've been mobilised for batch c stream 1 but my statement of result is not ready so I would prefer to go with stream 2 if I'm automatically moved to stream 2 will my state of deployment change?Please reply as soon as possible

  21. I applied as a married woman and my name was changed to my husband surname... Can i removed the married status while revalidating?

  22. Hi! I'm an international student. I have registered for NYSC last year but I haven't been posted. There's an error of graduation date on my portal, can I correct it through remobilisation?

  23. what about does that didn't register at all during their own batch last year and is now ready to register this year

    1. You will undergo fresh registration but be sure to check whether your name is stil on senate list


  25. Please if the remobilization status is showing error what s the problem

  26. Please is it must to use the phone number I use for regularisation for my nysc registration or I'm allowed to use anyone, tnx

  27. I got my call up letter and was posted to camp but came back as a result of issues with biometric registration.
    I was asked to write a letter and then attach my call up letter.
    I don't know the next step to take or what to do next.

  28. Pls can someone apply for correction of name during Revalidation batch c stream 1 or 2 bcoz I spell my name wrongly during batch B

  29. Please, I registered for this current batch c stream 1 but I won’t be able to go to camp cause of a personal issue. Can I still recalibrate and go to camp with stream 2 or is that automatically ruled out for me?

  30. Please I registered for this 2022 batch c stream 1 but I won’t be able to make it to camp because of a personal issue. Will I still be able to revalidate and then go with stream 2.

  31. I am married but my marital status on the nysc portal is single, so i was posted to Katsina but i went to the camp in my husband's state (Rivers) with required documents for a married PCM. At the point of registration when i explained i was asked to write down my details and go back home and keep checking my dashboard for changes. Is it possible to change?

  32. I registered for batch c stream 2 went to camp but wouldn't register because of name issue and I have been running around to resolve the issue but my dear now is I don't know if I will still meet registration after solving the issue now my question now is since know any another batch this year what is my faith.

  33. Thank you so much for this information. Please I was supposed to register in batch A stream 1 but I couldn't finish my clearance in school before the registration deadline, can I register with stream 2 now?

  34. Please I camped in Adamawa and they posted me their and now I don't want to serve their and I don't want to wait till after 3month.what can I do

  35. I registered for batch A stream 1 but when I got to camp I couldn't do registration because my thumbprint didn't match, please what do I do? Which of the registration is it revalidation or remobilization?

  36. Thanks for the information, how about foreign trained students that were not cleared on time for the recent 2023 batch A stream 1 exercise ????
    Right now the students dashboard is reading cleared online and physical verification successful.

  37. Please I registered during batch A stream 1 2021, and I was cleared for physical verification, although my documents wasn't complete as at that time, I later get them, and uploaded them but it's still showing on my dashboard that I've not been mobilize because I've not uploaded valid document. I've been to Abuja twice on this yet they only told me I will be mobilize. What else can I do?. Please help me out (09068633531) this is number I registered with.

  38. Pls , I submitted all my documents online as a foreign student in the last online registration but I couldn't finish the fingerprints. Pls do I have to wait for the next online registration or join revalidation or remobilization?

  39. Hi pls I missed stream 1 batch B
    Will I be given the same state and call up letter I was given in stream 1 if I go for stream 2 if yes can I still work it to change or it’s too late

    1. Its a 50 50 chance to be posted to same state. But you can work your direct posting

    2. Please how long will it take for remobilization to get approved

  40. Pls I am 2023 batch a stream 2, I have been working on my relocation and I av missed 3 months clearance ,how can I apply for Remobilization

  41. Thanks a lot for this explanation. It was very helpful

    1. Please at batch c stream 1 2023 the Cyber Man captured someone passport and biometric on my dashboard and submit it and the details are mine,am I going to remobilization or rivalidation to enter next stream

  42. When one does revalidation, does the state they were initially posted to change to another state? Or it’s still the same state as they were posted to?

  43. I made a registration for nycs last batch which is batch b stream 2 but I didn’t report to camp then please am I going to do manual validation for this batch C stream 1

  44. Someone passport and biometric on my dashboard and submit it and the details is mine and I get call up no if they send me back am i going remobilization or rivalidation or fresh registration to next stream

  45. Pls What if you registered in a particular stream let's say stream 1 and was not approved do you still revalidate

  46. My callup letter just came out, and they posted me to borno state, whereas I wanted lagos. Can the state of deployment be changed during revalidation process?

  47. Good day, I just registered with batch C1, but I don’t want to go to where I was posted, what do I do to go in c2

  48. Hello here I registered in batch b but I don’t complete the registration did I need to be revalidated when registering in batch c

  49. Must I be registered for the batch and stream I have been mobilized to before I can do my revalidation?
    I will wait to register with the next batch before I revalidate?

  50. Because I have been mobilized for batch C stream 2, and I won't be able to meet up with the registration now.

  51. Please am supposed to report in camp on 25 of dis month, but my school have not given me my certificate because it has not been sign by de registrar. I want to ask if I can revalidate with the next batch?

  52. This recent Batch C stream 2. I report to the camp and I applied for relocation but uptill now my relocation is yet to be approved and while sharing the PPA in camp mine was not there

    How will take for remobilization form to be approved

  54. Please someone I know was enlisted the previous batch 2023, but didn't register at all, what should he do?

  55. If date of GRADUATION on the call up letter is difference from date of GRADUATION on the statement of result, what is the solution

  56. Thanks a lots
    Plz during revalidation do one still need to thumbprint?

  57. Please I want to be clear, i reported to camp with different date of graduation and that of the Call-up letter , I was sent back to my school for correction but my school is not willing to do anything now till next stream (stream2). My questions are: will it affect me in anyway? Will I still serve in my state of deployment? What do I need before going back?

  58. Please I registered last year November (batch c stream 2 2023) and I was posted to plateau but I didn't go, then batch A stream 1 came I didn't still go because I couldn't login to my profile due to Nin issue but I have fixed it now and ready to follow stream 2 ...hope revalidation is possible in stream 2?

  59. I’m batch A stream1 of 2024 … I camped at ebonyi but I did relocation to ekiti and I wanted Lagos but I haven’t gone for documentation in the new state and this is June . I don’t know if I go july would I be accepted.

  60. Am a married PCM I did my registration to join April batch but was moved to Batch B
    Now my issue due to am married my name was changed to my husband’s name on my portal I went to do Revalidation I was told to do NIN modification to change my name from my maiden name to my husband’s name or else I will be sent home during camp Registration
    Note my name on my NIN is the name on my certificate and school
    Should I change it
    Pls answer have been frustrated and worried by this

  61. I registered stream1 batch A and I got my call up letter but I didn't report to camp
    Can I revalidate for stream 2?

  62. Pls my is that I apply for rearrangement of name but is yet to reflect.what will do next?

  63. I registered as a single and got call-up letter but I don't go to the comp and now I'm married do the changes of name how can I do please I need a help

  64. Please I got a call up letter on my Dashboard on Thursday 29 August that is Batch B stream 2 and was ask for report to camp on Wednesday 28.
    I went to camp on Friday on reaching there I was told that portal has closed for registration and was ask to go back home please are my to revalidated or remobilize please

  65. Please I'm batch A2 2024 I went to camp do documentation, I'm married and I was trying to do relocation but it didn't work and as such I stop the service on the way because of transport and my husband was also disturbing, I missed three months clearance and NYSC has locked my profile I can't have access. How I'm I going to do

  66. Thanks so much...
    I registered online with C2 but awaiting call up later, until I was moved to batch A of 2025.
    Pls what do I do?
    Does the revalidation applies to me...?

  67. I registered Batch c stream 2, I made a change of name online, the name has not been changed till date.
    And I'm shifted to Batch A 2025.


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