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NYSC 2025 Batch A Online Registration And Camp Date - Click Here To Know


There is no greater characteristics that defines a Prospective Corp Member (PCM) as the characteristics of asking questions. In fact PCMs can ask questions for Africa (funny yes i know) but this is a good thing because with such feature, you will not miss anything.

Below are some list of relevant questions always asked by 2024 Batch PCMs

1. Will every PCM who has successfully registered and gotten green-card for a particular NYSC Stream 1 be posted? 

- No, some PCMs will not get call-up letter and they will be moved over to the next stream (Stream 2). There will be another online registration for stream 2 but those moved over will not participate, they will rather just wait for their call up letter. If it's stream 2 that is currently going to camp then it's likely all registered PCMs will be posted.

2. How will i know which NYSC stream i belong? Also how do i ascertain if i will be posted in this current stream and not moved over to the next 2024 batch or Stream after my online registration?

- You can only ascertain which stream you belong to when call up letter is outAvoid being deceived with the following statements: (i) If you register late you will fall in the next stream (FALSE) because even last to register can be placed in a stream 1 and first to register can be rolled over to the next stream of a particular batch. (ii) If you print out greencard late you will fall in the next stream (FALSE). (iii) Using a trick whereby if you try to make correction on your dashboard and you see mobilized you will fall in the current stream (FALSE). 

Wait for call up letter to know what stream you belong. As for any upcoming Stream 1, not everyone who will receive Call Up Number and print out their Green Card will be posted or issued Call Up Letter, some will be spilled over to the subsequent Stream 2. 

There has never been a time that everyone who registered in Stream 1 were posted the same time. Usually for those that are carried over to stream 2, they are not to do anything like fresh registration or Revalidation, they will be automatically revalidated by NYSC and given call up letter.

3. Will PCMs be vaccinated against COVID-19 before entering camp? And how compulsory is the vaccination? 

We have a detailed article as regards to this bothering question so CLICK HERE to see.

4. Are PCMs urged to undergo COVID-19 tests prior to their orientation camp? 

No, Prospective Corps Members will only be told to fill and print a COVID-19 test form or Slip from their dashboard if need be. The link for the form will be activated on their various dashboards when the time comes if NYSC feels it is necessary. 

They will further be communicated to by the NYSC management on when to do that "IF NEED BE". The COVID-19 Slip is free so don't let anyone extort you to purchase COVID-19 slip.

5. Do Polytechnic graduates require only ND certificate? 

No, the NYSC management has stated that all polytechnic graduates are required to present their original ND and HND results in form of original certificate or statement of result. Also a recent update warns all HND graduates to come to the NYSC camp with an evidence of completion of their one year industrial training.

6. When are those waiting for remobilization going to register? 

NYSC portal is always opened for remobilization either before or during registration for any Batch/Stream. The link for remobilization will be very visible like that of revalidation on the front page of the Registration portal. To know more about Remobilization click here

7. Will the NYSC Orientation Camp Take a full capacity of Corp members like before considering the COVID-19 protocols? 

Yes, before now the National Youth Service Corp Orientation Camp capacities was lessened due to the COVID-19 breakout and this was to enable Corp members adhere strictly to the Covid-19 protocols, usually batches were divided into Streams and even sub-streams sometimes just to ease this development. 

But now the era of COVID-19 has passed and the camp can fully accommodate full capacity of PCMs. You can also notice that the Covid-19 Slip is no longer important for camp. 

8. Can the medical certificate i have be used to apply for NYSC relocation? 

No, the Medical Certificate of fitness you have done only shows that you are fit for the NYSC orientation exercise. You will need a genuine Medical Report (Doctor's report) from a well recognized government hospital if there is need for you to relocate on health ground. To know more about Relocation click here.

9. As a married PCM, with respect to my just concluded NYSC online registration, my surname automatically changed to the surname of my husband, every effort to change it back or revert the process proved abortive, what is my faith?  

Every married female PCM who has successfully uploaded the necessary documents needed for their online registration will have their maiden name automatically changed to the maiden name of their husband. 

This process is usually carried out by the system so that they can enjoy concessional deployment/posting to their husband's place of residence. This process is based on marital grounds. See the list of documents all married women are to upload during online.

10. What should foreign trained graduate do?  if they have successfully gone for physical verification and still get notification on their dashboard which reads "You have not yet been evaluated"

On normal situations, this notification is seen as a result of a foreign trained PCM not uploading some documents during online registration. Kindly scan with your eyes carefully on your dashboard and also check your email regularly to know the reasons given so as to carry out the needful immediately.  See the list of documents all foreign trained graduate are to upload during online registration

11. Is it true that statement of results already laminated are not accepted in the orientation camp? 

Actually this is partially true, here is the reason i used "partially true". Some NYSC camp officials warn against lamination of statement of results due to unforseen reasons but despite the warning they still accept laminated statement of result. 

Just save yourself the stress and embarrassment and don't laminate, to enable easy verification of your document. So if you have already laminated yours, do not panic it will be accepted.

12. My School ID Card is old (Expired), will it be accepted in camp for documentation

Yes, expired school ID cards are accepted in camps provided its your original School ID card. NYSC is aware that not all schools issue final year ID card for NYSC.

13. Can i use departmental ID card for camp registration in place of School ID card? 

Absolutely "NO"

14. I did my Medical Certificate of Fitness long time ago, is it still possible for it to be accepted? 

No, the validity of a medical fitness certificate as stated by the NYSC management board is three (3) months, once it exceeds 3 months you are advised to go for another test and obtain an updated medical fitness certificate. 

This is because it is very likely for an individual to develop an ailment within 3 months so he or she has to know the status of their health again after 3 months elapse.

15. If my name was on NYSC senate list in previous batch and i did not register what should i do in a subsequent batch to come? 

Once NYSC opens the portal for checking of names on Senate List, PCMs who have seen their names on senate list before but didn't register online should verify if their name is still on senate list before proceeding for registration. 

If their name is no longer on senate list they should quickly contact their respective institution. But no worries there is always 90% chance that their name will still be on senate list.

16. If after being mobilized and posted to a state in a particular Batch and i refuse to go to camp due to tangible reasons, will i be posted to the same state i was posted to before when i revalidate the next batch? 

- Well, you turn out to be in a new Batch and will be posted to any state randomly according to NYSC. Or ordinarily you will be posted to the previous state you were deployed before. All you have to do after revalidation is just reprint your CaIl-up Letter when it is released. In summary it's a 50:50 chance.

17. Supposedly am mobilized during a particular batch when i was 30 years and i refuse to obey the clarion's call (Report to camp), then i decide to report to camp the next year of which i will be 31 years, will i be given exemption letter?  i.e not allowed to serve. 

- NYSC mobilization is based on the age you graduated from your institution, so your service depends on whether or not you graduated above the age of 30 or below. 

18. How will i know the requirements or list of things am to bring to the NYSC camp? 

The list of items or things you are to bring to the National Youth Service Corp orientation camp is usually detailed in an Addendum on your NYSC CalI-Up Letter. But before the call up letter you will be updated with camp requirements in various NYSC whatsapp groups so join one and make sure its a genuine group. Our whatsapp group link is above and below this article. You can also Click Here to see the full list of NYSC Camp requirements.

19. How will i know when or if its time to revalidate?

- Just as stated previously on this post for remobilization, the link for revalidation is always activated once online registration for any batch kicks off. The revalidation link will be seen on the front/first page of the NYSC registration portal. To know more about revalidation click here.


  1. My statement of result got wet but I taped it back... Will it be accepted in camp

    1. Provided the details on it are clear, YES

    2. I’m a foreign student I have been cleared online but I haven’t done my physical verification yet, I want to know if I can go to Abuja on Monday or I should wait when the registration portal is open

  2. I have issues with the year of birth.. It's keeps say wasc but I use neco.. Would I be affected if yes how do I fix it

    1. Which year of birth is wrong? The one on your dashboard?

    2. The one I used during my jamb registration

  3. When is the call up letter for batch B stream 2 likely to come out thanks

    1. Dear unknown, lets deal with stream 1 first before thinking about stream 2

  4. Pl my name on my school cartificate is differnt form that of bank(bvn) hipe it will not affect my payment process

  5. Please my ND notification of result shows accountancy while my jamb admission letter shows business admin.and my hnd statement of result is accountancy also please hope this won't give me issue at camp?

    1. Personally it will not give you issue but note that you will be serving with the course: Business Administration and it will reflect on your NYSC discharge certificate, as course of study is now being currently included.

  6. Please can I use my ND students copy's transcript for registration in camp?

  7. Good day. My middle name on JAMB is different from my middle name on my BSc certificate and birth certificate, can it pose as a problem during registration in camp?

  8. The date of birth in my dashboard is not the same with the one on my bvn is this a problem

  9. The graduating date in my statement of result is the same as that on my greencard but i made a mistake while filling year of graduation during registration. Hope this won't be a problem?

  10. Please my issue is quit peculiar o, I was mobilised with the batch B stream 1 and I was actually in camp, but during registration on camp my finger print didn't match so I was asked to leave after they said I should write a letter that will be sent to NYSC headquarters so they can drop the biometric and I will register a new one and come back with the stream 2.
    I just want more clarification on how that will be done please.

  11. As a foreign trained graduate I just sat for my neco 2022 due to change of course and my original certificate is not yet out can I use my statement of result till after three months when it’s out and I will present it

  12. My name on statement of result is quit different with the name on my bvn will it effects me in camp registration and even Allawee

  13. I'm 29years 11months can I still go for SERVICE?

  14. I really appreciate your response to almost all the questions😊..
    I’d like to ask you this particular question pertaining to international students.. I did registered for the Batch C1 2022 but did get the call-up letter in which I did the necessary procedures as an international graduate while everything was ok and my online evaluation was cleared but my physical verification wasn’t cleared after which I did it, so now here’s my question “(1) what am I to do to get myself cleared concerning physical verification?
    (2) will I have to apply for Revalidation or remobilization to get call-up letter “mind u I don’t get ✉️it in the previous call

    1. You will report for physical verfification again for stream 2. But u are not to do anything. Just wait for a new call up letter. Revalidation or remobilization is not needed as you will be automatically revalidated

  15. I have issue with name, on Senate list my name is Birma Sarah john but on my result is sarah John Birma hope it won't be a problem?

    1. Apply for name rearrangement after your NYSC online registration

  16. Does name Arrangement matter in NYSC, eg the names on ND and Neco results are JOHN MIKAEL and on HND result is MIKAEL JOHN. is there any from with this pls in a camp? Good evening.

    1. Compare the name on your HND of result with the NAME on your dashboard or senate list

  17. Please I laminated my bsc certificate and one of my name is also missing but my school gave me an attestation with the correct details for the laminated document, would Nysc accept it ?

  18. Please if I get this on the status of NYSC senate list........
    The name specified on the senate list those not match with the name on the jamb record. For married women use maiden name as surname. ( You cannot register contact your institution)
    But I have summited all the necessary documents for registration already and change of names. Please advise on what to do. Thanks

  19. Please my school ND statement of result has a note under that says " document is valid for a period of 12months and my ND certificate is not ready ....can I still use the statement of results like that...cos my school said wat nysc needs is the evidence
    That the clause doesn't matter

  20. Good afternoon please I'm 30yrs and 3 months i hope i we still go for service.

  21. What if the name on the waec is two without middle name but on the certificate with middle name, will that affect the registration

  22. Please I’ve uploaded necessary documents and it’s not showing on my portal and my physical verification is on Monday what should I do pls?

  23. Please the day on my date of birth from Jamb is wrong and I can’t change it, hope this won’t affect me in any way

  24. Please,the expiration date on my statement of result is October,while camp is opening by November 1.... can I still use the expired statement of result?

  25. my question is this am a foreign graduate my ecowas passport contain 2017 2018 2019 with stamps and now nysc is not that recognising ecowas passport, i issued a new international passport of recent 2023 without stamping pls can i use the two documents for my nysc reg?

  26. My school ID card carries 2019 and I'm going to nysc came this year so my question is do I request another one or I can use my old one like That?

  27. How To I Know Whether My Thumbprint Is Successful During Registration?

  28. Hi, I registered for batch A stream 2 but was shifted to Batch B, do I have to revalidate or register again? Or my call up letter will just come up? Thank you

  29. As a married PCM must your NIN and BVN tally with the name on your dashboard in order to open bank account in camp

  30. Pls I have all the necessary married documents. But I registered last year and I wasn't married. I got married this year and I only did revalidation thus year so I.was unable to upload the married documents. Pls what am I going to do last year I registered as single but I'm married this year n I only do revalidation

  31. I graduated this year and I will be 30 next month and I am going to camp with batch C
    Is it possible?

  32. Please mine is misspelled name oo, I made a complain about the name, till now it has been under review since, please what can I do please?

  33. I registered and was supposed to jion batch B but was rescheduled to jion batch C , am I to just wait for a call up letter

    Or I have to revalidate when the time is right?


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