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Showing posts from June, 2021

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NYSC ONLINE REGISTRATION DATE MIGHT BE FIXED SOON - PCMs Lament As NYSC Management Readjusts Closing Date For Online Remobilization

As the urge to serve keeps rising amongst the NYSC 2021 Batch C PCMs including Prospective Corps Members of the previous stream who were told to await a date for the printing of their call up letter, the NYSC management has continually keep giving green light to these set of PCMs which signals that a date for their online registration is drawing close.  One of the recent development is the readjustment of date for the online remobilization backwards which was frantically stated to close on 7th October 2021 but has been narrowed backwards to 2nd October 2021.  This new update has given rise to speculations that indeed the reason behind the readjustment of date is definitely because of the online registration date which might soon be announced.  Well for now we cannot say for certain if these speculations will be 100% correct and will fall in place but all PCMs should keep their fingers crossed and await a very wonderful update very soon from the National Youth Service Corp...